Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
37. If I need to define love, using a film, it'll be Silver Linings Playbook.

Day 2 of this and am happy with the turn-out. Sorry I didn't share this earlier 'cause I wanted to keep my lessons private and small for...
Hikmah & Secrets
Saya kira #IkhlasIllustrated begitu disayangi Tuhan kerana ia didukung oleh orang-orang yang berjiwa hebat seperti penerbitnya Mosyuki...

Liberal Arts (2012)
This film isn't the greatest but I don't know why I feel so connected to it. Maybe I could relate to the girl. Maybe I too threw myself...
Ujian Ramadan came early.
I didn't know I've been sick. I mean, I know I get sick easily and I know I am not always at the best of my health, but still I was not...

How is it possible that the most light-hearted book I've ever written is also the most personal, most real? Maybe because every single...

You Mean the World to Me (2017)
I thought no local film could beat the way Yasmin Ahmad's films made me feel. And then came this. Only this isn't Yasmin. And this isn't...

My Ipoh Little Secret (2017)
Congratulations, Sisi Seni on the recent screening of your latest documentary film titled My Ipoh Little Secret. Terima kasih sudi...
Last day
Thank you everyone who came over yesterday and shopped with us! Today will be the last day of Rumah Ipoh's chill-out party so those who...