Mencelup Kaki Ke Dalam Lautan Rambutmu
Di belakang telingamu adalah persisiran dan di dalam lautan rambutmu aku mencelup kaki duduk hingga kecut jemari dengan alur alur...
This Is Not About You
Ayah pernah kata- orang yang pernah merasai kemiskinan dan berjaya keluar daripada kemiskinan, dia akan jadi antara dua benda: 1) he...
To grow up with your music was a privilege. To replay your songs was a secret pleasure. To have your albums accompanying my lonesome...
Sebenarnya saya ada banyak cerita murung hari ini... but no, I think I am going to share about something positive. And important. Semalam...
Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif Bersama Fazleena Hishamuddin & Wani Ardy
Siri bengkel bersama Fazleena Hishamuddin dan Wani Ardy kembali lagi :)Meminjam semangat #PondokPuisi, kali ini kami berkongsi ilmu atas...
"And O listener, (followers of the Prophet) most of the people on earth are such that were you to obey them, they would mislead you from...
The existence of true love
Most of the time I don't really believe in true love. I think it's just an idea or a concept to make people feel good and better, which...

Rumah Ipoh's very frequently-asked questions
Rumah Ipoh's VFAQ: Q: B&B? Dia macam homestay eh? Or hotel? A: Tak. Homestay is where you get the home, the house, all to yourself. B&B...
Di Belakangmu
Ada sawah bendang dan gunung ganang yang terlukis di belakangmu, bernafas dan mengekori ke mana saja kautuju. Aku harus cepat cepat...
My Answer
Maybe I don't say "I miss you" but if you look closely, you could read it everywhere in my writings. Maybe I don't say "I love you" but...