Do things for yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate your tiniest achievements. Buy your own flowers for graduation. Buy your own cake for...

Alhamdulillah syukur. Terima kasih buat ucap selamat & sayang sempena ultah kelahiran saya yang ke-35 semalam. Amin yra atas doanya....
When God Made You Different
When God made you different, you have two options: (1) Bersangka buruk dengan Tuhan, see it as a curse, or an end to your life (2) Let it...
Di ultah kelahiran awak yang pertama sebagai seorang suami dan ayah, saya berdo'a agar Allah Ta'ala menghujani kita dengan keampunan,...
Perfect Balance
If you choose to focus on what you don't have, you will lose the things and the people that you do have. So be careful. The moment you...
Ais Batu
Much worse yet often in silent-- people don't talk about the pain of friendship breakup and family breakup as much as they talk about...
Bila kita dengar / lihat orang lain dikurniakan rezeki, belajarlah untuk ucap alhamdulillah. Instead of belittling their rezeki or...
My Silver Lining
Professor Sonia Grover of The Royal Children's Hospital attended my talk on MRKH Malaysia at PPUKM and told Alison Hensley as well as...
Terms & Conditions
Learning from recent (scary) experiences, I have decided to make some changes in the way I do my advocacy work, and I am thinking of...
Sebenarnya di antara kita tidak ada orang berani. Tidak ada orang kuat. Yang ada cuma orang belajar. Dan orang cuba-cuba. Ada hari kita...