Congratulations, Christina!
This is Christina. The first time I 'saw' her was 6-7 years ago through Skype. She was the first MRKH woman who got in touch with me...
UYTP: Bestseller Again
Said this before and I'm going to say this again: Of all anthologies that I've written for, 'Untuk Yang Telah Pergi' is my favourite. Not...
Temubual: Astro Gempak & Wani Ardy
1. Senaraikan 5 perkara yang orang tidak tahu tentang anda? (E.g. favourite food, favourite drinks, phobia, bad memories, cats, hobbies,...
Siri Cerpen di Astro Gempak
Siri cerpen saya di Astro Gempak (gempak.com) sudah sampai siri tiga. Siri empat nanti bakal menjadi siri terakhir yakni penutup cerita....
On priorities and keeping it real.
Here's how I see it: There's nothing sexy or mysterious, strange or rebellious about my writings and my music. They're very ordinary,...
Percaturan Ketiga
'Hujan Bakawali di Rumah Tuhan'. Sebuah antologi prosa & puisi berjilid dua, menampilkan lapan orang penulis pelbagai latarbelakang dan...