Lifetime Battle
My first attempt was in 2007. Then a second one in 2014. I sought My Creator. I sought doctors. I bonded with family and friends. I made...
Belum Phoenix
2018 has been my downfall. It's time I admit it and make peace with this painful fact. I overestimated my capability and it backfired me....
Sangka Baik
Are things as simple as they seem to be? Are people really who we think they are? The moment the signs show the opposite, is the moment...
“Dalam tiap pinjaman Dia, ada bahagian orang selain kita.”
Tahukah anda, dengan tiap pembelian buku-buku Rumah Ripta sepanjang Ramadhan, anda juga membantu Persatuan Orang Pekak Wilayah...
Dear You
Dear you. Everybody has different pace and different ways of coping with things including you. You know what you need. You know which...
From This Aisle
Love is like the biggest and the most expensive thing I see in a supermarket but my basket's so small my wallet's empty and long ago I...
Sepanjang siang esok (Sabtu 2 Jun) saya bersama para penulis tempatan yang lain bakal berniaga di Markas Kota Damansara demi sebuah pasar...
Lihat, Dengar, Rasakan
The privileged and the entitled. Saya simpati sebenarnya dengan mereka yang berebut takut kehilangan keistimewaan seolah tidak percaya...

Memori Dalam Almari
Pasar karat & jualan barangan terpakai oleh para penulis terkini di Malaysia! Sabtu, 2 Jun 2018 12 tengahari - 7 petang Markas Kota...
Alam Melayu
Sebagai bekas pelajar UiTM 2002-2007 dan bekas pensyarah UiTM 2009-2015, saya setuju jika beberapa peratus bukan-bumiputera sertai UiTM....