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Belum Phoenix

2018 has been my downfall. It's time I admit it and make peace with this painful fact. I overestimated my capability and it backfired me. I often believed I can do this I can do that when the truth is I can't. Not always. And maybe it's okay, Wani. Maybe it's okay that you can't do certain things. Someone told me that I supress and force back a lot only to break open later. That I talk about my failures much more than I talk about my achievements. That I call myself a loser and weak but I haven't done much to change it.

Fasa kejatuhan ini terasa begitu lama, tapi menurut Maha Tahu aku memerlukannya. Berikanku masa untuk kerja-kerja baikpulih. Aku masih abu. Aku belum phoenix.

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