Favourite Things 2016
• Represented Malaysia with my band Wani Ardy & the Guitar Polygamy and performed at festivals in Indonesia & Singapore (made AMAZING new...

Happy New Year!
I've always thought that I'm gonna grow old with these boys. Then today I looked at this photo and I thought- damn, we ARE getting old. I...

I am so in love with this collage. It is the end of year 2016 and so I would like to say THANK YOU to each and every single one of...

Kamar Rahsia
(Kongsi lewat malam dengan harapan kurang orang baca.) (Kalau tak kongsi langsung, orang tak tahu pula.) Saya takut dan gementar,...
Jika tiap desir ingatanku buatmu adalah sebuah pesawat, mindaku adalah bandara. Dengan keberangkatan tanpa batal, dengan kedatangan...
Suddenly Lewat
#songseriesbywaniardy Suddenly Lewat, 2004 Ever fall for a person who can't be yours? I've always believed that in order for two...
Hope is a privilege.
Many years ago, I went from one art event to another art event to sell my EPs, so that I can gather enough money to pay the costly...