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From Three to Zero

Boleh tak kita berhenti sebar video cikgu merangkak tu? Kesian dia. Tak bolehlah tengok. Luluh rasa hati.

Teachers are essentially parents to our children at school. Dia ganti tempat kita, 5 hari seminggu. Taraf dia lebih kurang sama dengan kita. Sebelum buat cikgu merangkak, kita sendiri sanggup tak? Dulu kita dididik nombor satu - Tuhan, nombor dua - ibubapa, nombor tiga - guru, dan seterusnya.

How on earth did we regress from that to... treating our teachers like animals? I just can't digest.

Cikgu bukan haiwan. Dan ibubapa bukan Tuhan. The reason we can write and read this today is because of the teachers who taught us back then.

Tapi kita mudah lupa. Kan...?

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