Pembaca, Penonton, Pendengar
You will never know why he left. Years passed by, you've met other people, but every now and then you'll find yourself searching for...

Dua Puluh Dua Perempuan
Aisyah Rais. Alina Abdullah. Ashikin M. Egy Azira. Embun Karina. Fazleena Hishamuddin. Finn Anuar. Ida Syamila. Jasad Bersiong. Mimi...
Balik Malaysia
My dearest friends of all sorts of races and/or religions especially minority groups. No matter what happens, I'll never tell y'all to...
Happy World Rare Disease Day!
Yesterday something unpleasant happened to me, but it was also a useful lesson and experience. Semalam saya ke klinik kesihatan. Asalnya...

Looking forward to host this party together with Helium Books next month! Adakah anda sudah bersedia? #partiperempuan
Belum Sedia Untuk Mati
Kehilangan yang dihadapi oleh orang lain sering membuat kita merenung akan apa yang kita ada. Siapa yang kita ada. Keluarga. Teman-teman....
Biar Kecil Tapi Besar
Biarlah kita kecil, tak terkenal, dan tak kaya. Janji kita ada integriti, etika, dan profesionalisme. <3
Hadiah Saya Buat Semua Perempuan
A year ago I proposed an idea to Sue Emoqwin @ Suzana Ahmad, lady-boss Helium Books. I am so blessed that she accepted it and understood...
From Three to Zero
Boleh tak kita berhenti sebar video cikgu merangkak tu? Kesian dia. Tak bolehlah tengok. Luluh rasa hati. Teachers are essentially...
Manusia Mudah Lupa
Tadi saya terbaca satu kes dalam one of those anakangkat-related groups on Facebook. Regular case of biomum merayu minta tolong, janji...