Let's do this
Assalamu'alaikum, everyone. I'll be going through a growth removal operation tomorrow morning, insyaallah. Doakan saya ya, mudah-mudahan...
Ikhlas & Ordinary
You have no idea how much it means to me to read your comments on IKHLAS because seriously, who wants to read a book on conversations...

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
37. If I need to define love, using a film, it'll be Silver Linings Playbook.

Day 2 of this and am happy with the turn-out. Sorry I didn't share this earlier 'cause I wanted to keep my lessons private and small for...
Hikmah & Secrets
Saya kira #IkhlasIllustrated begitu disayangi Tuhan kerana ia didukung oleh orang-orang yang berjiwa hebat seperti penerbitnya Mosyuki...

Liberal Arts (2012)
This film isn't the greatest but I don't know why I feel so connected to it. Maybe I could relate to the girl. Maybe I too threw myself...
Ujian Ramadan came early.
I didn't know I've been sick. I mean, I know I get sick easily and I know I am not always at the best of my health, but still I was not...

How is it possible that the most light-hearted book I've ever written is also the most personal, most real? Maybe because every single...

You Mean the World to Me (2017)
I thought no local film could beat the way Yasmin Ahmad's films made me feel. And then came this. Only this isn't Yasmin. And this isn't...