Malam yang mahal. Terima kasih, Pitahati, untuk ruh dan rasa yang senyap dipinjamkan ke saya yang kecil ini. Terima kasih untuk 4 tahun...

Katalistiwa 2
Bila Wani Ardy bikin persembahan sorang-sorang tanpa band 7-orang, dia kegemuruhan lalu dia main game tekan-tekan. (Sedutan puisi 'Dari...
It is always heartwarming to see your students go to places, either writing or performing, sharing or creating, basically just reaching...
Hari esok hari terakhir saya di Ipoh sebelum berangkat kerja selama 2 minggu (1-15 Ogos). Minggu pertama di Jakarta, kedua di KL. Rumah...

Kurang seminggu lagi saya bakal berpentas di sini, sebagai pemuisi-pemuzik Malaysia di bumi Indonesia, sebagai seorang Wani Ardy. Semoga...
Every now and then, there will be people who make you feel down, like you're lower or lesser than the person you really are. These people...
While everybody in Ipoh is either feverish or fluish, I fell down the stairs at my own home and probably tore some tissue/muscle. (which...
Pulut Dodol
It's Sunday and I have so many things to complete because tomorrow will be Monday and not just any Monday but Monday with all sorts of...
Mee Kari
Okay I can't cook mee bandung 'cause there were ingredients I just can't seem to find and I've always hated cooking with missing...