Duduk Jauh Jauh
"Kenapa Ikhlas tak boleh main dengan dia?" "Sebab dia tak nak main dengan Ikhlas, sayang." "Kenapa dia tak nak main dengan Ikhlas?"...
Your words are raindrops. Seven moons have dried up as I waited with my empty, rusty bucket. For I have been your reader when you didn't...

Eid <3
02:263 ‪#‎quran‬ ‪#‎albaqarah‬ --- Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for the times when you disappointed your family and the minute...

Al Baqarah
Lately I've been turning to this surah for strength. I don't know how, but it works. I'm sure gazillions other people do this too but...
"Dia ada kerja, ada rupa, ada keluarga, ada agama, ada harta - jadi apa lagi masalahnya?" I think people need to know and understand that...
Saying hello to my heart
I began my first eid by facing my fears. I gathered every inch of confidence, collected every bit of courage, and finally said what I...
Miluju tebe
H: Noor esh ho? I: Noor ho tebbe.

Wani Ardy takes on Jakarta!
#1monthtogo #WaniArdyliveinJakarta #WaniArdytakesonJakarta #MarketplaceofCreativeArts #MOCAfest
Sekotak Cinta
Dua tiga botol madu yang entah ke mana mengadu, sebekas sambal kentang ikan bilis sama ada membasi atau membobok perut fakir di masjid....