The MRKH Life
I'm gonna say this straight up. Please read with an open mind: MRKH Syndrome is more than just about not getting periods ever and not...
Struggle & Battle
I had disappointed my parents for more times than I could remember. I had been a failed daughter, a failed sister, a failed partner, a...
Iman & Ilmu
I did not inherit my father's iman and ilmu. I am so far from it. But I try. In my own ways. My effort is so far from enough but I never...

#RumahIpoh: The Wait Is Over
Bookings for March 2018 onwards starts now! Be it our bed and breakfast, picnic parties or personalised presents, they are all open for...

#RumahIpoh: 24-hour Garage Sale
As you may have known, Rumah Ipoh will be going through a change of management this February, so my partner Fafa and I will be holding a...

Pembakaran Obor Kediaman Buku
It has been awhile. I don't know if you'd come and listen. I just thought I'd sing and play... and see whoever would stay.
I Am Grateful For Today
Dah lama tak menulis panjang. Hari ini genap sebulan saya bertugas di sebuah sekolah antarabangsa, dan genap dua bulan saya berhijrah...
UYTP: 11x Bestseller
UYTP strikes again. Alhamdulillah. Untuk Yang Telah Pergi merupakan antologi prosa dan puisi 'bestseller' terbitan RIPTA. Hasil nukilan...
Hold On To Whatever You Have Left
When the word sadness is not sufficient to describe how you feel.

#RumahIpoh: Hello 2018
I am delighted and thankful to announce that beginning this year, the management of Rumah Ipoh will be taken over by Fafa (my former...