Sedang hatimu kalung di leherku, nafasmu loceng di kakiku. Biar jauh aku kayuh, tetap aku dengar keberadaanmu. Aku kira rindu tidak...
Hidup Sebentar
I have learned, the hard way, that life is short. Too short, in fact, for me to raise my ego, hold back my feelings, and pretend that we...
Lagu-lagu lama di reverbnation.com/waniardy Lagu-lagu baru di soundcloud.com/waniardy Merakam di youtube.com/waniardyofficial Menulis di...
Anak-anak cilik menuruni gelongsor, kejar-mengejar mengelilingi taman permainan sebuah restoran makanan segera yang masyhur. Gadis...
Maybe I can't do this anymore. I have so much on my plate lately and hurtful words certainly do not help me. Change all you want- while I...
We're moving from Seri Iskandar to Ipoh-- the showcase. The owner of the event space wanted to postpone our gig to probably February......
RM 186 disappeared from my bank account. One hundred and eighty six ringgit. Which was basically all that I had. I've checked online- it...
The day before yesterday Ummi got into the hospital. Her whole life, she had only been warded once. That was years ago when I was in...
It's a silent battle. I wish I have the ability to not care and not bother. I wish my feelings are fiction, my thoughts are bullshit, my...
Every day is a struggle. At times I go driving alone with the intention to let go of the steering while I'm speeding. Just for the sake...