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I feel like a little girl who fell into a deep, dark, narrow hole, with no ladder.

No space to lie down.

I can either stand or sit- and that's it.

Kuku saya dah penuh dengan batu dan tanah... as I try to climb my way out, over and over again, with my two bare hands.

Telapak tangan saya penuh dengan luka yang terluka. Belum sembuh, tercalar lagi. Belum pulih, terhiris lagi. Ulang berkali-kali.

This is tiring. Dada saya sesak dan lutut saya lemah akibat lubang tanah yang sempit ini.

Time will heal, everyone says. Time will tell.

I'm not so sure about that. Time does not seem to heal me. Time does not tell me anything except that I'm trapped here and sometimes I can't even remember how does the sun look like anymore.

Up there, people are walking and laughing and moving on, passing me by like nothing happened.

I scream but nobody could hear.

How did I allow myself to play at this garden so carelessly in the first place? How did this happen?

I am just a little girl. All I want is my world.

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