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Are you happy?

Ada 2 jenis tujuan belajar:

1) Belajar sebab (utama) nak kerja 2) Belajar sebab (utama) nak ilmu

Both are cool, whichever fulfills you. The first one - understandably and realistically - has been the choice of majority. Still, it's totally okay to have a PhD and work as a barista. If you enjoy studying and learning, the experience is never a waste. Kalau dapat guna ilmu itu hari-hari, bonus lah. Tak semua orang dapat bonus.

Ada 2 cara untuk terus belajar lepas SPM:

1) Masuk universiti 2) Masuk kolej / akademi / politeknik / vokasional / latihan / institut / maktab / madrasah / seminar / bengkel / kursus / kelas

Both are cool, whichever fulfills you. See, once in a while I get invited to give talks in schools. Tiap kali saya tanya anak-anak sekolah: "Apa yang awak paling takutkan?" Mereka jawab: "Tak masuk universiti." Saya tanya lagi: "Kenapa nak masuk universiti?" Semua diam. Semua tak pasti. Saya teka: "Sebab orang dewasa suruh? Sebab kalau balik kampung kena banding dengan sepupu? Sebab kawan akan tanya, awak masuk universiti mana?" Slowly they nodded. The brainwashed generation. "Straight As! Masuk universiti! 4 flat!" Tak dapat- Depressed. Suicidal. Dapat- Don't know what's next. Tak tahu minat apa. Dah kerja gaji besar- Still unhappy. No passion. Exhausted.

(Newsflash: University is NOT the only place to pursue knowledge and dreams. AND EVERY SINGLE HUMAN DREAMS DIFFERENTLY BECAUSE WE ARE NOT ROBOTS AND ROBOTS DO NOT DREAM TO BEGIN WITH.)

Ada 2 jenis kerja:

1) Kerja makan gaji 2) Kerja sendiri

Both are cool, whichever fulfills you. I wish more parents would ask their kids: "Are you happy?" rather than "Berapa gaji?" *sigh* Rezeki Tuhan beri. Makan gaji atau sendiri - itu cuma saluran. No office, no corporate outfits, does not mean you're jobless. If you pay your bills, cukup makan pakai, tidur berbantal berbumbung, in my humble opinion, you HAVE BEEN working.

Belajar bidang lain, kerja bidang lain (tapi rajin) - insyaallah tak mati

Tak masuk universiti (tapi rajin) - insyaallah tak mati

Kerja sendiri (tapi rajin) - insyaallah tak mati

Again- whichever fulfills you, mentally and emotionally. Physically? Kita takkan puas. So we go back to basics. Everything begins with the mind. Put your mental health / needs first.

"Are you happy?"

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