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The last time I had a work desk was in April 2015. Back then I was lecturing at a public university. Today I've got myself my very first desk since I've become a full-time writer and performer, yay! See that little white desk at the corner? Yup. It's what my space and I can afford to accommodate for now, but I'm grateful. The size reminds me of those desks we used to have in high school. And y'know what? That's how I feel right now. I'm back at one; new place, new career. (Yes, it still feels new to me.)

Besides writing and performing, I manage this bed-and-breakfast #RumahIpoh. We have guests almost everyday and we're fully booked every weekend. I used to sell my blackwear online but since I setup #RumahIpoh, my female guests would usually buy them even before I have the time to post them online. Alhamdulillah.

Okay enough rambling. Back to the overdue manuscript of my third book and preparing for my shows in JB-Singapore very soon. Wish me luck!

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