One of the highlights of our Singapore gig was Dekat. Yes, Dekat THE band. Just realized that I've actually known them since their Tangga days. Grabbed their album at Esplanade Singapore's Cipta Cita but nothing beats watching them performing live. NOTHING.
Waktu ketemu itu aku malah langsung nanya - "Kalian makan apa sebetulnya kok stamina bisa kayak gitu? Gila tau ga? Gila!" Man, I have A LOT to learn from them. Can't believe we shared the same stage and performed at the same festival. It feels like I could NEVER do what they do.
Dekat, it was great meeting you guys and talking to you that night. Makasih banyak! Kita jumpa lagi ya? Moga terus sukses dan mudah-mudahan bakal punya rejeki untuk berpentas di Malaysia. Heck, I'd probably find ways to bring you guys here!
Cinta, Wani Ardy Wani Ardy & the Guitar Polygamy

Indonesia dan Malaysia ketemu di Singapura. Dekat x Wani Ardy & the Guitar Polygamy :)