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CQ Malaysia

Jika anda MASIH tidak tahu apa itu CQ Malaysia, anda patut tahu. This baby is Malaysia's free, online, bilingual creative writing magazine which has been read and downloaded by readers all over the world. Setakat ini kami semua (saya salah seorang 'Editors In Chief' - tapi hampeh) masih tidak mengerjakan majalah ini demi keuntungan; segalanya atas usahasama sukarela. Despite all odds, we have come to our 4th year and 8th edition. Anda perlu lihat sendiri edisi-edisi CQ Malaysia di It really does feel like National Geographic slash Reader's Digest, which makes you think - how the heck is this thing for free? Gila. Memang gila. WAJIB BACA.

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