#RumahIpoh: Goodbye 2017
When I started up Rumah Ipoh in 2016, I didn't know how long it's going to last. Two years passed and this humble bed-and-breakfast brought me new friends and family. Thank you, my dearest guests, for keeping Rumah Ipoh fully-booked every weekend and every other weekday in 2017. Rumah Ipoh resumes to shine this 2018, Insya-Allah. RUMAH IPOH Bed • Breakfast • Backyard GPS: Jalan Khoo Cheng Cheow No walk-ins, text only: +60179809190 Info/Rates/Bookings: fb.com/RumahIpoh IMPORTANT NOTE Rumah Ipoh is a private bed & breakfast and not a hotel or a homestay. We do not take walk-ins and calls. Our premise is only open to paid guests for their privacy and comfort.