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Reset. Starting over is never ever easy. Almost a year now and it's still so far from easy. Not supposed to be easy, to begin with. Dan kebetulan, sejak belakangan ini, undangan berpentas yang saya terima kebanyakannya memerlukan saya bermain gitar secara solo. Maka dari segi karier, saya terasa seperti bermula semula juga. Buka balik kitab. Belajar balik macam mana nak guna tuner, pickup, dan lain-lain. Potong kuku. Lap badan gitar yang dah berhabuk. Aneh, saya hampir lupa asal-usul saya yang satu ini. A singer-songwriter. Years of being a frontwoman, being supported by my six bandmates till I forgot how it felt like to run a one-man show. Now here I am. Back at one. At the age of almost 34. Not easy. Not supposed to be. But not impossible either. Insyaallah tak mati. Insyaallah. Saya cuba.

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