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Same Shoes, Same Boat

Just got off the phone with LPPKN. Long, fruitful conversation. Syukur alhamdulillah. So grateful that I got to do a lot of advocacy work this year-end. Kelmarin ada orang kata pada saya: "Sorry ya sebab saya banyak sangat tanya. Awak mesti dah rasa boring kan, cakap pasal benda yang sama bertahun-tahun." Tapi sebenarnya... tak. Saya tak rasa boring. Sebab saya juga pernah jadi budak perempuan yang tak tahu apa nak buat, mana nak pergi, siapa nak cari. I was once that lost MRKH girl too, just like you. So please make use of me today. I am here. And you are not alone.

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